Saturday, May 8, 2021

Let's Try This Again, Shall We?


My dear readers, I am so happy to be writing to you from Bass Lake, CA, sitting in the dappled sunshine of pitch #10, Forks Campground, having just finished my earliest in the season ever mountain lake swim.  Which makes it sound like I have been keeping track but really, I haven’t.  I just know that since I have owned Beagle, I have not swum in a mountain lake before May 7.  (Yes, it was cold but completely do-able if you swam parallel to the shore in the shallower water.  I even floated on my back for a while before the goosebumps took over.)

I have started out again for a long Beagle trip, the previous attempt last fall named the “No Expectations Tour”, lived up to its name as I never would have expected to end up in an ER and then spend the next six months in and out of brain surgery; that kind of accuracy is going to be hard to beat. 

So what shall we call this one?  I thought about the “Whenever Whatever Tour” as I don’t have a real plan other than to get out of the gloomy Morro Bay spring and into the fabulous Pacific Northwest, but Covid has made it difficult to just cruise into a campground and find an open pitch. 

It seems half the country has discovered what the other half already knew:  Camping is heaven.  And cheap.  So I left home with many more reservations than I normal hold; which actually aids me in keeping my blood pressure low; I don’t have to worry about finding a place to stop.  Life always knows best.


It’s fun to be out with people again.  Today, while filling up Wurzig, one of the three young men opposite me said, “That’s one hell of a car.”

              “Thank you”, I replied.

              “And that’s one hell of a trailer.”

              “Thank you again”, I said, then added, “And I am one hell of a girl.” 

Laughter abounded!  Laughter where you can see teeth!  All masks were down.  It was delightful.

              “I bet you are!”, he responded, and then more slowly with a slight hint of regret, “I bet you are.”


Ahh, it is six o’clock and the sun just moved between two branches to warm my face.  I smell the warm dirt and pine needles and taste the freedom.  This is my life!  Give me a second, I have to pinch myself.

I have not been cleared for full activity yet so my days will be speckled with walks and swimming which suits River just fine; she loves nothing more than a short walk and a long nap whereas Opus and I prefer long walks and short naps.  It will be a couple of months full of changing expectations and making adjustments to be sure.


Once the sun went down the temperature dropped quickly and I happily snuggled under my down comforter, thinking as I have often thought when going to sleep in an Airstream, I could be anywhere in the world, I have all I need, I couldn’t be happier.

I woke around 4 AM to the near freezing temperature, covered my head with the comforter, making a small tunnel for the cold air to reach my nose, and thought of a good trip title:  The Simply Let It Be Tour.  Part of it actually came to me last week in Maui, floating on my back over the gentle swells, I thought, “Maybe this is all I was saved for; this relishing the experience of living life on Earth.  Just let this be enough."

So I will endeavor to let it be.  Sam Harris might win after all; two and a half years ago I set out in Beagle determined to study the difference between free will and fate.  Let It Be seems to fall more on the fate side.


PS:  After a lovely morning hike up Goat Mountain (yes, brother, a short lovely hike), a leisurely breakfast of left-over potatoes from Luciano’s fried up with an egg, we are headed to a new spot.  (Some things are the same, I do have an order of Luciano’s Duck a l’Orange in the fridge.   How I wish I had some lemon tart. :-))

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